Messangi Cordova SDK

Messangi Cordova SDK works as a wrapper to MessangiSDK for iOS and Android and is based upon the official Cordova documentation to generate native plugins in the platform

Platform settings



In iOS to be able to get push notifications you have to follow a long and strict steps list, explained in the following link: iOS Certificates

The certificates are mandatory to enable the Push Notifications feature in iOS, so you have to be careful to generate them properly.


In order to get the credentials in Google Cloud Messaging (GCM), you must follow our guide in this link: GCM - Credentials

The credentials in GCM are mandatory to enable the Push Notifications feature in Android, so you have to be careful to generate them properly.



First you have to add the platform to the PhoneGap/Cordova project

    cordova platform add ios

In Xcode click on Open another project and then look for the previously generated project, then go to Platforms > iOS directory and open the one with .xcworkspace extension.

Once opened the project in Xcode, select the project root (project name in the left panel), in the right section, it's chosen the tab General, in that tab is located the Bundle Identifier, this is the same referenced from the config.xml file, it's suggestable not to modify that in Xcode but in the file itself and then run again the command ionic build ios. In that tab is also the information for signing and deployment.

In the Capabilities tab must be checked at least the following:

  • Push Notifications
  • Background Modes
    • Location updates
    • Uses Bluetooth LE accessories
    • Background fetch
    • Remote notifications
  • Associated Domains

Note: Any error shown in this point could be caused by any error in certificate generation.

In the AppDelegate+notification.m file is automatically overwritten everything that official documentation asks to overwrite or add from AppDelegate, then there is no need to modify it unless you wish to change any base behavior; the original AppDelegate* file should not be modified (it's so to allow the operation together other plugins).


It's suggested to use Android Studio as the new offcial Android development IDE. Cordova is compatible from version 4 with Android Studio.

First you have to add the platform to the PhoneGap/Cordova project.

    cordova platform add android

Now from Android Studio you can open the project created in /platforms/android/

Starting with the plugin

After having base project set and working properly, go to the base project directory and include the plugin adding the neccesary variables for Messangi.

    $>cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-messangi --variable APP_NAME=<Messangi Application Name> --variable PUBLIC_KEY=<Messangi Public Key or Client ID> --variable PRIVATE_KEY=<Messangi Private Key> --variable GCM_API_KEY=<Gcm Api Key> --variable GCM_PROJECT_NUMBER=<GCM Project Number>
Variables Description Required Platform
APP_NAME This variable is sent to you from the Messangi Team YES ANDROID - iOS
PUBLIC_KEY This variable is sent to you from the Messangi Team YES ANDROID - iOS
PRIVATE_KEY This variable is sent to you from the Messangi Team YES ANDROID - iOS
GCM_API_KEY This variable is found with GCM* and you have to request your registration through emailing to support team YES ANDROID
GCM_PROJECT_NUMBER This variable is found with GCM* and you have to request your registration through emailing to support team YES ANDROID
MMC_URL This variable is sent to you from the Messangi Team NO ANDROID - iOS
MMC_INSTANCE_ID This variable is sent to you from the Messangi Team NO ANDROID - iOS
  • Variables found in Certificates section, Android subsection.



  • Messangi.Framework (it's automatically installed with the version downloaded from this repository, it can be updated with a newer later if you wish).


  • messangisdk (it's automatically installed with the version downloaded from this repository, it can be updated with a newer later if you wish)


  • General:
    • Subscription lists
    • Check and clean comments





Execute Settings methods on threads for better performance
Update MessangiSDK Android Library
  - Update Google Play Services Dependencies
  - Beacons and Geofences Working when app is not running
  - New Logs format
  - Multiple bugs fixed


Added options to configure Beacon Scanner and Location capabilities on Android Devices
The options will work in runtime, not need restart the app


Update Native version of MessangiSDK for Android and iOS, this update fix a bug with creation of new beacons based campaing 


Added configuration functions for Location capabilities


Source code release